Latest news


Here you will find the latest news from The Nottingham for Intermediaries. From time to time we will share content from business news and opinion pieces to customer stories and press releases. If there's something you need that's not listed, please contact a member of our PR & Communications team.

Curly Haired Woman Looking At Report

The mortgage market for new arrivals to the UK

We aim to move away from vanilla lending and instead identify those struggling to access a mortgage and find solutions to allow responsible lending to these borrowers.

What Your Story

Standout Summer Story Competition Winner

We invited brokers to submit their success stories of working with The Nottingham to help their customers own their own homes. Congratulations to winner Ellis Shepherd from All About Mortgages.

Small Box Blue Ribbon

We've got a little somp-thing for you

To help make monthly mortgage payments more manageable we now accepts the sale of mortgage property as a repayment vehicle for interest-only mortgages.